Published October 2, 2019 | Version final version
Conference paper Open

Validating the OntoLex-lemon lexicography module with K Dictionaries' multilingual data

  • 1. University of Zaragoza
  • 2. K Dictionaries


The OntoLex-lemon model has gradually acquired the status of de-facto standard for the representation of lexical information according to the principles of Linked Data (LD). Exposing the content of lexicographic resources as LD brings both benefits for their easier sharing, discovery, reusability and enrichment at a Web scale as well as for their internal linking and better reuse of their components. However, with lemon being originally devised for the lexicalization of ontologies, a 1:1 mapping between its elements and those of a lexicographic resource is not always attainable. In this paper we report our experience of validating the new lexicog module of OntoLex-lemon, which aims at paving the way to bridge those gaps. To that end, we have applied the module to represent lexicographic data coming from the Global multilingual series of K Dictionaries (KD) as a real use case scenario of this module. Attention is drawn to the structures and annotations that lead to modelling challenges, the ways the lexicog module tackles them, and where this modelling phase stands as regards the conversion process and design decisions for KD’s Global series. Keywords: Linguistic Linked Data; RDF; multilingual; OntoLex-lemon; K Dictionaries 



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European Commission
Pret-a-LLOD – Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors 825182
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