The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Dataset
- 1. Ritsumeikan University
- 2. Kogakuin University
- 3. Tohoku University
This version of JAFFE is restricted. Use the updated version of JAFFE instead:
The JAFFE images may be used only for non-commercial scientific research.
The source and background of the dataset must be acknowledged by citing the following two articles. Users should read both carefully.
Michael J. Lyons, Miyuki Kamachi, Jiro Gyoba.
Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets (IVC Special Issue)
arXiv:2009.05938 (2020)
Michael J. Lyons
"Excavating AI" Re-excavated: Debunking a Fallacious Account of the JAFFE Dataset
arXiv: 2107.13998 (2021)
The following is not allowed:
- Redistribution of the JAFFE dataset (incl. via Github, Kaggle, Colaboratory, GitCafe, CSDN etc.)
- Posting JAFFE images on the web and social media
- Public exhibition of JAFFE images in museums/galleries etc.
- Broadcast in the mass media (tv shows, films, etc.)
A few sample images (not more than 10) may be displayed in scientific publications.
Additional details
- Michael J. Lyons, Miyuki Kamachi, Jiro Gyoba. Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets (IVC Special Issue) 10.5281/zenodo.4029679
- Michael J. Lyons "Excavating AI" Re-excavated: Debunking a Fallacious Account of the JAFFE Dataset 10.5281/zenodo.5140556