Published April 23, 2019 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Market of mergers and acquisition as an indicator of integration processes

  • 1. V.
  • 2. A.


The article deals with theoretical aspects of the functioning of the market of mergers and acquisitions (M&A market) in the world and in Ukraine. The definitions of "merger" and "acquisition" by different scientists are considered and their essence is revealed. A comparative analysis of merger and acquisition procedures has been conducted and their causes have been identified, during which the general and differences were determined. The reasons for the procedures in the M&A market are identified. Different classifications of mergers and acquisitions of enterprises are presented. The conditions of friendly and hostile takeover are characterized. The dynamics of the number of integration deals in the world and their value are analyzed. The largest transactions in the market of mergers and acquisitions in the world and the TOP-10 transactions in the M&A market of Ukraine are presented. The stages of the market for mergers and acquisitions in Ukraine are listed. The market of mergers and acquisitions of Ukraine by branches is presented. The structure of M&A market transactions for Ukraine for 2015-2017 is analyzed.



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