Published April 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Odessa National O.S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications
  • 2. State University of Telecommunications


Processes of redistribution of optical signal energy between the optical fiber core and shell in connection points were studied. Closed formulas of dependence of the signal length at the receiving side on the number of connections and the probability of energy transition from the optical fiber core to the shell were derived in the analytical operator model. An analysis of energy redistribution caused by geometric mismatch of fibers in the connection points was performed.

Apparatus of the probability theory and the Fourier transform theory was used for synthesis of analytical models. Effective pulse duration was used as a measure of signal duration at the receiving side.

The numerical analysis has made it possible to draw a conclusion that the effects under study practically do not depend on the initial form of the optical signal and the variant of distribution of face-to-face lengths along the regeneration section line.

The obtained estimates have made it possible to assert that dispersion effects caused by energy redistribution in the points of connection of optical fibers are possible. These effects are caused by the difference in group velocities in different media of the optical fiber (in the OF core and shell). By their effect on the signal shape, they can be compared with well-studied effects caused by the material, waveguide and other components of dispersion.

On the basis of the performed studies, a scientific hypothesis on existence of the dispersion effect caused by detachable and permanent connections of optical fibers has been advanced.

A diagram of laboratory installation for carrying out field studies of the supposed effects was substantiated. This installation feature consists in that the fiber connections can be arranged with a practically arbitrary step. This makes it possible to test the hypotheses advanced in laboratory conditions


Theoretical study of the dispersion effects occurring at optical fiber connections.pdf

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