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Published September 6, 2019 | Version v1.0.0
Dataset Open

Data set for sub-millimetre MRI tissue class segmentation

  • 1. Maastricht University
  • 2. Brain Innovation BV


Sub-millimetre 7Tesla MRI image data set of the human brain for supervised training of algorithms to perform tissue class segmentation.

The dataset contains preprocessed MRI images (co-registered + bias corrected) and corresponding ground truth labels.

The dataset contains two different acquisitions:

- MPRAGE dataset, based on 5 subjects, with T1w, PDw and T2w images

- MP2RAGE dataset, based on 4 subjects, with inv1, inv2 and me gre images


The following ground truth labels are provided:
[1] white matter
[2] grey matter
[3] cerebrospinal fluid
[4] ventricles
[5] subcortical
[6] vessels
[7] sagittal sinus

Images are saved as nifti files and organized in BIDS format.

This dataset is an extension of the following, initial dataset publication:

* Dataset: A scalable method to improve gray matter segmentation at ultra high field MRI.

The initial dataset is also available as a zenodo repository and can be downloaded from:


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