Published June 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Enterprise communication policy indicators analysis as a part of marketing audit

  • 1. National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


The object of research is the process of marketing audit communication policy of the enterprise. The theoretical basis and methodological basis of this research are the fundamental tenets of modern marketing, the communication policy of the enterprise, the achievements of scientists regarding the theoretical and applied foundations of the marketing audit and the use of advertising management. In the course of the study, general scientific and special methods were used, namely: a system-functional approach to the study of the essence of the notion «marketing audit», a method of generalization, analysis and synthesis, and a monographic method. The proposed use of the main directions of marketing audit of the communication policy of the enterprise, which should include advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, participation in exhibitions, personal selling, sponsorship and integrated marketing communications. It is proved that they should be considered comprehensively, taking into account the peculiarities and the impact on the efficiency of the enterprise. Marketing audit provides an opportunity to compare various means of communication policy and choose the best option, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. Due to this, a marketing communications system is proposed that effectively influences the target audience, corresponds to the nature of the product offered, the image of the enterprise, and provides the opportunity to get the greatest economic effect and the communicative impact on consumers. In contrast to the widespread marketing audit experience in Ukraine in the form of controlling marketing activities, the study proves the effectiveness of conducting audits in specific areas, in particular, the enterprise’s communication policy. Such an approach will certainly be useful for carrying out independent monitoring of the activities of Ukrainian enterprises. In this paper, theoretical statements have been brought to the level of scientific and practical recommendations and can be used by industrial enterprises to increase the level of effectiveness of communication activities by conducting a marketing audit.


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