Published April 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
  • 2. Institute for Single Crystals National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • 3. National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine
  • 4. LLC "Steel-Service"


The results of experimental research into the influence of the concentration of carbon black in industrial oil I-30А and on wear resistance of the tribological system "steel-oil-bronze" are presented. It is assumed that carbon black, obtained by the electric arc method under laboratory conditions, consists of conglomerates and micro-and nanoparticles of carbon, which are found in a wide range from nanometers to tenths of millimeters.

The procedure, materials, and equipment for experimental studies of wear resistance of the parts of the tribosystem "steel-bronze" on the friction machine SMC-2 was shown. The research procedure methodology involved the variation by two independent factors: concentration of carbon black in industrial oil I-30А and external loading. Sliding velocity, contour area of the contact and initial temperature of the tribosystem remained constant factors.

The obtained experimental data made it possible to establish two main patterns that characterize the process of friction and wear in the studied tribological system. The first pattern reveals the influence of the concentration of carbon black in industrial oil I-30А and external load on friction torque in the couple "steel‒bronze". The second pattern reveals the influence of the same factors on wear resistance of the parts that were tested on the friction machine. The obtained patterns correlate among themselves and determine the scope of rational concentration of conglomerates of micro- and nanoparticles of carbon in industrial oil I-30A, which was applied as a lubricant in the tested tribological system.

At the final stage of the research, the surfaces of the parts of friction were studied at the atomic-force microscope "Solver P47-Pro" made by manufacturing company NT-MDT. These studies made it possible to reveal the mechanism of modification of the surface layer of steel and bronze by carbon nanoparticles in their interaction in the tribological system at friction.


Determining the influence of carbon black in oil on the wear resistance of elements in the tribological system.pdf

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