Published August 29, 2019 | Version v1
Video/Audio Restricted

In-situ Kusunda Video Files

  • 1. independent researcher
  • 2. SOAS London


This data set contains 8 video files made of the last two known Kusunda speakers from Nepal, Gyani Maiya Sen Kusunda and Kamala Khatri (Sen Kusunda), in February and April 2019, in Kulmore, Dang Deokhuri, Nepal.

The recordings constitute discussion between the participants, showing how to use flint, how to make a lean-to, and how to dig for tubers.

This material is made freely available to everyone for informative or scientific purposes as long as the source (this DOI) / the collectors are properly credited. Please note that use of the material for commercial purposes of any kind, which includes conversion into commercial audio-visual media (documentaries etc.), (paid) public screening other than for educational purposes, storage and dissemination through sites that require registration & payment for access, or sites that rely on advertisement (including YouTube) is not permitted without specific written consent from the speakers and their community, obtained through the collectors of the material. By downloading our material, you agree to these restrictions.

This data set falls under the Create Commons Attribution 4.0 International / Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license. This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under the identical terms. License Deed on Legal Code on

We greatly value feedback, suggestions, advice, analysis etc. based on this material which will help in the description of the Kusunda language, especially any comments and suggestions that will enable the revitalisation of the language, including a standardisation of the phonology and a phonologically consistent but also practical orthography in both देवनागरी Devanāgarī and Roman script.

Uday Raj Aaley: aarambhkhabar (at) gmail (dot) com

Tim Bodt: bodttim (at) gmail (dot) com


This research was funded by a 2,000 USD grant from the Endangered Language Fund (, a 700 euro contribution by the European Research Council Starting Grant 715618 "Computer-Assisted Language Comparison" (, and a total of 2,320 euros raised through crowdfunding at GoFundMe ( Many thanks to all generous contributors.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

In a change from earlier policy, those wanting to work with these materials should ask the collectors' prior permission to use them and should clearly indicate they will make all their derived materials available as open research that will benefit the Kusunda community in their efforts to revitalise their language. In addition to prohibited commercial use, using these materials for personal fame and glory is not in accordance with our and the community's principles. We ask you and those who have accessed these materials earlier to abide by these wishes. Thank you.

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