Published February 2, 2018 | Version 3
Dataset Open

Quantitative assessment of research data management practice


This survey aims to investigate research data management practices in academic institutions. The survey comprises questions common to all institutions as well as institution-specific ones. Common questions were drafted in the frame of a collaboration between several RDM services: Tu Delft (team effort), EPFL (team effort), University of Cambridge (notably Marta Busse) and  University of Illinois (notably Heidi Imker). The first survey was run by TU Delft and EPFL only end of 2017. In total, 1263 responses where collected (680 from TU Delft, 235 from EPFL and 348 from the University of Cambridge) and are published here. The results of each institution are provided in Microsoft Excel 2007 (XLSX) format. Consolidated results are provided in CSV format

The first lines of the CSV file contains the question asked to researchers. Each further line contains the response of a researcher; answers to institution-specific questions are set to N/A for researchers of the other institutions. Column delimiters are commas(,), quote chars are double-quotes (") and subfield separators are semi-columns (;). The text encoding is UTF-8.

More information about this survey as well as the exact survey questions and a detailed description how the survey might be re-used by other institutions is available on the project page on the Open Science Framework: htts:// For any questions contact or


Subfield separators normalized



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