- 1. Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
- 2. National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
The effect of electrostatic processing on performance characteristics of axle oil is investigated. Axle oil is used for wetting motor-axial bearings (MAB) of locomotives. There is a pressing and urgent problem of the MAB service life, which is indirectly related to the underdeveloped reserves of anti-wear properties of axle oil. To study them, it was decided to use the method of electrostatic processing, which does not require the introduction of any additives and has proven its effectiveness in the studies of other mineral oils. It is based on the ability of electric fields to destroy micellar aggregates in oil and form a solid boundary layer of molecules on friction surfaces. In the context of solving the current problem of the MAB service life, this method wasn’t considered earlier.
The research was carried out by means of the «roller-pad» friction pair, which was wetted with axle oil at different load conditions and operating times. The dependences of wear of the experimental samples under different load conditions, oil operating times and degrees of electric processing are obtained.
The results show that when using axle oil subjected to ESP, the wear rate of the experimental samples is reduced. Wear rate reduction depends on the oil operating time in the lubrication system. The greatest wear rate reduction of 1.92 times is noted for fresh oil. For the oil state after the locomotive run of 75 thousand km, the reduction is about 1.68 times and for the oil at the end of its service life, wear rate reduction is approximately 1.47 times
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