Published August 25, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Doctors' Aggression: A Possibility of Health Crisis and Instability

  • 1. Research Scholar, Center for International Peace and Stability (CIPS) NUST


Extensive literature exists on aggression as a precursor for frustrations among human beings. Scholars such as Dollard et. al. also argue that aggression can result into harming others directly, indirectly, through active and passive means. In Pakistan young doctors’ have developed the tendency of aggression because of job frustration.  This aggression, over the years, has resulted in wide ranging and repeated strikes, protests and job absenteeism, causing serious shortfall in health attendance. This research elucidates the results of such protests and its ill-effects is shape of health crisis. Drawing from the Frustration – Aggression Theory by Dollard et al., this paper tries to understand the impact of Pakistani young doctors’ anger on society and government. Through a survey of 1000 (one thousand) young doctors, the research questionnaire aspires to draw a relationship between ‘aggression – frustration’ and health crisis focusing on young Pakistani doctors, suggesting some remedial measures.



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