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Published October 29, 2019 | Version v1
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Non-equilibrium fractionation during ice cloud formation in iCAM5: evaluating the common parameterization of supersaturation as a linear function of temperature

  • 1. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • 2. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO


This archive includes data and python scripts to create the figures in

Duetsch, M., Blossey, P. N., Steig, E. J., and Nusbaumer, J. M. (2019). Non-equilibrium fractionation during ice cloud formation in iCAM5: evaluating the common parameterization of supersaturation as a linear function of temperature. Submitted to J. Adv. Model. Earth Sy.


Model output data are saved in model.tar.gz

For all simulations, monthly averages of the following variables are saved in h0 files (used for Figures 3, 6, 8, 9):
T: temperature (Si_real simulations only)
PS: surface pressure (Si_real simulations only)
U: zonal wind (Si_real simulations only)
V: meridional wind (Si_real simulations only)
LANDFRAC: fraction of surface area covered by land
PRECT_H2O: total precipitation rate for H2O
PRECT_HDO: total precipitation rate for HDO
PRECT_H218O: total precipitation rate for H218O
H2OV: H2O mixing ratio for vapor
HDOV: HDO mixing ratio for vapor
H218OV: H218O mixing ratio for vapor
H2OI: H2O mixing ratio for cloud ice
HDOI: HDO mixing ratio for cloud ice
H218OI: H218O mixing ratio for cloud ice
H2OL: H2O mixing ratio for cloud liquid
HDOL: HDO mixing ratio for cloud liquid
H218OL: H218O mixing ratio for cloud liquid

For the control and Si_real microphysical sensitivity simulations, 6-hourly averages of the following variables are saved in h1 files (used for Figures 4, 5, 7):
PRECL_H2O: Large-scale precipitation rate for H2O (Si_real simulations only)
PRECL_HDO: Large-scale precipitation rate for HDO
PRECL_H218O: Large-scale precipitation rate for H218O
PRECL_SAT: Large-scale precipitation rate for Si tracer (Si_real simulations only)
PRECL_TMP: Large-scale precipitation rate for T tracer (Si_real simulations only)
PRECL_RVD: Large-scale precipitation rate for R^D tracer
PRECL_RVO: Large-scale precipitation rate for R^18O tracer

To limit the size of the data set, only the first 5 years of the simulations are saved.


Ice core measurements for present-day climate and last glacial maximum are saved in icecores_PD.txt and icecores_LGM.txt, respectively.

LGM values are averaged from 19000 BCE to 16000 BCE, PD values are averaged from 1000 BCE to 2000 CE.

Antarctic surface snow measurements from Masson-Delmotte et al. (2008) are available at

Python scripts

Scripts run with python 3.6

Required packages:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- netCDF4
- datetime
- Basemap
- copy
- intergrid
- cmocean



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Swiss National Science Foundation