There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 11, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Classification and Quantification of Strawberry Fruit Shape

  • 1. University of California, Davis


"Classification and Quantification of Strawberry Fruit Shape" is a dataset that includes raw RGB images and binary images of strawberry fruit. These folders contain JPEG images taken from the same experimental units on 2 different harvest dates. Images in each folder are labeled according to the 4 digit plot ID from the field experiment (####_) and the 10 digit individual ID (_##########).

"raw_H1" and "raw_H2" folders contain RGB images of multiple fruit. The fruit were extracted and binarized to become the images in "indiv_H1" and "indiv_H2."

"indiv_H1" and "indiv_H2" folders contain images of individual fruit. Each fruit is bordered by ten white pixels. There are a total of 6,874 images between these two folders. The images were used then resized and scaled to be the images in "ReSized_Images."

"ReSized_Images" contains 6,874 binary images of individual berries. These images are all square images (1000x1000px) with the object represented by black pixels (0) and background represented with white pixels (1). Each image was scaled so that it would take up the maximum number of pixels in a 1000 x 1000px image and would maintain the aspect ratio.

"Quantative_Strawberry_Features.csv" contains all of the morphometric features extracted from individual images. The first 13 columns describe the experimental design. The remaining 431 columns are simple and compound geometric features from imageJ (14-25), Elliptical Fourier Analysis (26-65), Generalized Procrustes Analysis (66-371), EigenFruit Analysis (372-391), Fruit Biomass Profile (392-401), Kmeans Clustering results (402-410), Modified Kmeans Clustering results (411-419).




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