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Published July 9, 2020 | Version v1.0.0
Dataset Open

Bootstrapped Lexicon of English Polarity Shifters

  • 1. Spoken Language Systems, Saarland University
  • 2. Institute for German Language, Mannheim


We provide a bootstrapped lexicon of English polarity shifters and their shifting direction. We cover verbs, nouns and adjectives. Our lexicon provides 2521 shifters among a vocabulary of 9145 words, taken from WordNet v3.1 (Miller et al., 1990).

We also provide a dataset of 2631 verb phrases that are annotated for shifting polarities. The phrases are taken from the Amazon Product Review Data corpus (Jindal & Liu, 2008).


1. Polarity Shifter Lexicon

A list of 9145 words, annotated for whether they are polarity shifters. Contains 2631 shifters and 6514 non-shifters.

  • File: shifters.txt
  • The lexicon is a comma-separated value (CSV) table
  • Each line follows the format POS,LEMMA,SHIFTER_LABEL,SOURCE.
    • POS: The part of speech of the word (verbnounadj)
    • LEMMA: The lemma representation of the word in question. Multiword expressions are separated by an underscore (WORD_WORD).
    • SHIFTER_LABEL: Whether the word is a polarity shifter (SHIFTER) or a non-shifter (NONSHIFTER)
    • SOURCE: Whether the word was part of the gold standard (GOLD_STANDARD) or was bootstrapped (BOOTSTRAPPED). All labels, both from gold standard and bootstrap output, were verified by a human annotator.

2. Sentiment Verb Phrases

A set of verb phrases, annotated for the polarity of the verb phrase and the polarity of a polar noun that it contains. Can be used to evaluate whether a polarity classifier correctly recognizes polarity shifting. The file starts with 400 phrases containing shifter verbs, followed by 2231 phrases containing non-shifter verbs.

  • File: sentiment_phrases.txt
  • Every item consists of:
    • The sentence from which the VP and the polar noun were extracted.
    • The VP, polar noun and the verb heading the VP.
    • Constituency parse for the VP.
    • Gold labels for VP and polar noun by a human annotator.
    • Predicted labels for VP and polar noun by RNTN tagger (Socher et al., 2013) and LEX_gold approach.
    • Items are separated by a line of asterisks (*)

This dataset was created as part of the following publication:

Schulder, Marc and Wiegand, Michael and Ruppenhofer, Josef (2020). "Automatic Generation of Lexica for Sentiment Polarity Shifters". In: Natural Language Engineeringdoi:10.1017/S135132492000039X

If you use the data in your research or work, please cite the publication.


This work was partially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grants RU 1873/2-1 and WI4204/2-1.


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