Published August 20, 2018 | Version v1.0.0
Dataset Open

Bootstrapped Lexicon of German Verbal Polarity Shifters

  • 1. Spoken Language Systems, Saarland University
  • 2. Institute for German Language, Mannheim


We provide a bootstrapped lexicon of German verbal polarity shifters. Our lexicon covers 2595 verbs of GermaNet. Polarity shifter labels are given for each word lemma. All labels were assigned by an expert annotator who is a native speaker of German.


The data consists of two lists of GermaNet verbs annotated for whether they cause shifting:

  1. verbal_shifters.gold_standard.txt: The initial gold standard (§3) of 2000 randomly sampled verbs.
  2. verbal_shifters.bootstrapping.txt: The bootstrapped 595 verbs (§5.3) that were labelled as shifters by our best classifier and then manually annotated.


Each line contains a verb and its label, separate by a whitespace.


This dataset was created as part of the following publication:

Marc Schulder, Michael Wiegand, Josef Ruppenhofer (2018). "Automatically Creating a Lexicon of Verbal Polarity Shifters: Mono- and Cross-lingual Methods for German". Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018). Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 20 - August 26, 2018. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3365694.

If you use the data in your research or work, please cite the publication.


This work was partially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grants RU 1873/2-1 and WI4204/2-1.


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