Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud: What's in it for research libraries?
- 1. LIBER
- 3. DANS
Date workshop: 2019-06-26
Timing workshop: 10:30 – 12:00
This is a joint session (90 minutes), shared with and co-organised by:
- the SSH Open Cloud (SSHOC) project
- the LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working group
- the LIBER Digital Skills for library staff and researchers \Working group
The aim of the workshop is to present the SSHOC Project, the SSH Open Marketplace and activities towards building expertise for users, and especially libraries, such as the SSHOC Training Network and toolkit. The presentations will be followed and complemented by asking the workshop attendees to provide their input in an interactive session about their needs on skills building and training.
Introductions: Vasso Kalaitzi (LIBER), Cécile Swiatek (LIBER Digital Skills Working Group), Lotte Wilms (Digital Humanities Working Group)
Moderation: Darja Fišer (CLARIN)
The SSH Open Marketplace, Laure Barbot (DARIAH)
The SSHOC Training Network and Toolkit, Ellen Leenarts (DANS)
Focus moment and Q&A
Interactive session
Closing Remarks: Bertil F. Dorch, University Library of Southern Denmark
Background information on the SSHOC Project
SSHOC is an EU funded H2020 project that aims to provide a full-fledged Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) where data, tools, and training are available and accessible for users of SSH data. The focus of the project is determined by the goal to further the innovation of infrastructural support for digital scholarship, to stimulate multidisciplinary collaboration across the various subfields of SSH and beyond, and to increase the potential for societal impact. The intention is to create a European open cloud ecosystem for social sciences and humanities, consisting of an infrastructural and human component. In the context of SSHOC, LIBER is leading the work package on Fostering Communities, Empowering Users & Building Expertise.