A collection of online auction listings from 2005 to 2018 (anonymised)
Paper: https://cmccorpora19.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/proceedings.pdf
A collection of 1256 online auction listings collected from the platform eBay.fr, covering a time span of 13 years. The corpus is split into four subcorpora. The first subcorpus consists of 300 listings from 2005, from private users, the second and third subcorpora are from 2017, and feature 300 listings from private and professional users, respectively. The fourth subcorpus was created in 2018 and features 356 listings from private users, which were automatically collected and then manually filtered. The corpus has been annotated for various features. The XML file contains various metadata for each listing: a unique ID, the year and month it was collected in and the category the listing belongs to. Some subcorpora have additional metadata.