Published August 4, 2019 | Version DEF
Report Open

"Roman Rijckholt" at St. Geertruid - Steenbergen (community of Eijsden - Margraten, the Netherlands). An update after recent finds.



After many finds from the Roman period have been noticed at a field north of the Schoone Grub as
part of the Neolithic flint mine complex of Rijckholt, many other finds in an adjacent field show
clear evidence for a Roman building, probably a villa. The field- name St. Geertruid - Steenbergen
has been clarified as belonging to the remains of one or more Roman buildings that have been
located on a flattened ridge north of the ravine Schoone Grub. From the various finds it is possible
derivate some information about the Roman building that was located here.
1 The building was, like all Roman villas, covered with red roof tiles, so called tegulue and
2 There was at least some part of the building that had window pane glass (forming a bath house?)
3 The pottery shards are suggesting a local Roma villa rustica/ urbana
4 Some roof tile parts and some pottery shards carry fire marks, pointing at a fire
5 The structure(s) is/ are located over a minimum of 80 - 100 m based on pattern of roof tile finds
We might speak of a Roman Rijckolt at the Neolithic flint mine complex.
The report also briefly discusses the possibility that the villa could have had a relationship with
Roman viticulture. Any relation with viticulture is just an idea, based on the special position the
villa had in the landscape.



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