Published August 4, 2019 | Version v1
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Ehl-i Sünnet ve Mu'tezile'ye Göre Mukallidin İmanı [Imitator's Belief (Muqallid) According to Ahl al-Sunnah and Mu'tazila]


The problem of Imitator’s Belief is one of the essential matters taken up by scholars particularly. Since the result of this matter directly engages the majority of Muslims. In the study, the concepts of certainty (tahqiq) and imitation (taqlid) have been examined from the point of their terminologies as much as literally. In connection with these terms, referring to the matter of imitation and independent judgments on the Law (ijtihad) discussed amongst the Schools of Law, and the matter of imitation and certainty discussed amongst the Schools of Theology, the view of  Schools of Islamic Theology on these matters have been tried to be established. This study is essential owing to the point of view that from various aspects it examines the standpoint of the Maturidite School about the matter of “imitators’ Belief” on which lost of discussions have been occurred.


Demir, Abdullah. "Ehl-i Sünnet ve Mu'tezile'ye Göre Mukallidin İmanı". Diyanet İlmi Dergi 44/2 (Nisan-Mayıs- Haziran 2008): 27-50.


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