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Published July 22, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Performance analysis of biopharmaceutical copper machines to support sustainable agriculture in Sleman, Yogyakarta

  • 1. Assesment Institute for Agriculture Technology of Yogyakarta


Indonesia has more biopharmaceuticals resources than other countries that
could be developed their potency. However, biopharmaceutical farmers are still
constrained in their processing. Each stage of biopharmaceutical processing such as
washing, knitting, drying, and siege, farmers still use the traditional method (manual).
Farmers group in Farmers groupArgo Mulyo, Wukirharjo, Sleman is one of
biopharmaceutical processing farmers who processes biopharmaceuticals into spice
powder. This research was conducted to analyze the performance of chopper machines in
farmers group at Argo Mulyo, Wukirsari, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The assessment was
conducted from January to December 2015 at farmers group of Argo Mulyo. The
materials used were 3 types of rhizomes namely galangal (hard texture), ginger
(medium texture), and turmeric (soft texture). Parameters observed were thickness of
chopping, time of crushing, working capacity of tools, knitting results, and work
efficiency of the tool. The results of the study showed that the working capacity of
chopper machines in 3 types of rhizomes was significantly different, while the work
efficiency of chopper machines for galangal was significantly different from ginger, but
not significantly different from turmeric. The working capacity of the chopper machine
in galangal is 17.28 kg/hour, ginger 24.92 kg/hour, and 29.69 kg/hour. While the work
efficiency of chopper machine in galangal is 98.25%, ginger is 97.67%, and turmeric is



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