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Published July 16, 2019 | Version v2019.07.16
Journal article Open

Data sets for "Spectral magnetic helicity of solar active regions between 2006 and 2017"

  • 1. National Solar Observatory
  • 2. Nordita & University of Colorado


In this supplemental material to the paper "Spectral magnetic helicity of solar active regions between 2006 and 2017, (arXiv:1902.11273) magnetic helicity and energy spectra were computed from about 2485 patches. In Tables 2 and 3, characteristic parameters were listed: year (y), month (m), day (d), time (h:m), the magnetic energy (eM in 1e32 erg), the total magnetic helicity (hM in 1e42 Mx^2), the magnetic helicity of the large-scale field (hM^LS in 1e42 Mx^2), the magnetic helicity of the small-scale field (hM^SS in 1e38 Mx^2), the mean current helicity density (HC in 1e24 G^2/cm), the fractional helicity (rM, dimensionless, between -1 and +1), the magnetic correlation length (l), Carrington latitude (lambda, in degrees), Carrington longitude (L, in degrees), and the Hinode map ID (MapID). The files appendix1.pdf and appendix2.pdf contain lists of all active regions analyzed, and the file data.txt lists them in machine readable format. Finally, the file BINDER_ALL.pdf shows spectra and images for all of them, similar to Figure 7 of the paper.



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  • Gosain, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2019, ``Spectral magnetic helicity of solar active regions between 2006 and 2017,'' Astrophys. J., in press (arXiv:1902.11273)