There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 12, 2019 | Version 1.2.4
Software Open

MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Analysis: v1.2.4

  • 1. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2. LANL
  • 3. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
  • 4. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 5. LLNL


Major Enhancements

  • Add time series for Antarctic ocean regions #575
  • Add inset maps to transects and regional-mean plots #585
  • Add support for SOSE maps on a 10,000 x 10,000 km grid #597

Minor Enhancements

  • Add MPAS-Analysis version and git hashtag to webpage #566
  • Add ncremap support to climatology depth slices and transects #557
  • Add climatology maps for min/max mixed-layer depth #574
  • Add subprocessCounts and daskTasks to ocean time series tasks #578
  • Allow zmin/zmax for ocean regions from config file #582
  • Update to nco>=4.8.1 #605


  • Set gallery thumbnail sizes #560
  • Update most recent cori config file #580
  • clean-up related to climatologyMapMLDMinMax #579
  • Divide plotting module into 6 distinct modules #583
  • Several PRs to reduce memory cost of Read The Docs #588, #589, #590, #591, #592, #593, #594, #595
  • Add natural earth instructions to README for issues with downloading #606

Bug fixes

  • Fix matplotlib version #564
  • Use chunking to reduce memory for Antarctic Melt time series #569
  • Fix linking of main and reference directories for a main vs. ref run #581
  • Fix main vs. ctrl bugs #584
  • Write string data as unicode in NetCDF files #587
  • Fix the WOCE insets to use user-selected bounds #600



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