Published July 11, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

BASMATI WiFi Localization Dataset



This is a dataset that was created in the frame of the research project "BASMATI" an EU-funded research project (grant agreement no. 723131, website: It presents the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the smartphone WiFi transceivers of the attendants of a music festival in a specific day, as it was recorded by a number of WiFi access points.

The dataset is comprised of two files:

- BASMATI_lastday_RSSI.csv that lists the timestamped RSSI of mobile phones as it was received from the access points.

- BASMATI_AccessPoints_locations.csv that lists the fixed locations of the access points


Each row in BASMATI_lastday_RSSI.csv is comprised of 4 fields:

- The id of the access point that intercepted the WiFi signal (values: 1-27 with the exception of 7, 13 and 20)

- The timestamp in Unix time

- a pseudo, unique user id (values: 1-330846)

- RSSI, expressed in dB (values: -103 - -11)

Each row in BASMATI_AccessPoints_locations.csv is comprised of 3 fields:

- The id of the access point (values: 1-27)

- The latitude expressed in degrees, shifted by a fixed number so as to normalise the values in a new reference system and mask the actual positions of the attendants

- The longitude expressed in degrees, shifted by a fixed number so as to normalise the values in a new reference system and mask the actual positions of the attendants


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European Commission
BASMATI – Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications 723131