Published October 31, 2013 | Version v1
Software Open

D3.9: ULOOP Software Suite

  • 1. Caixa Magica


This document highlights the final and public release of the ULOOP Software Suite. The final version
of the software suite is an evolution of the software suite pre release – D3.7 [1] – correcting functional
behaviour, and preparing the software image for public release and use. Similarly to D3.7, it is
composed of the software images compiled as the integrated results of the software delivered by the
different ULOOP tasks, and complemented by the integration and interoperability blocks developed in
Task 3.4, targeting the two main platforms: Android and OpenWrt-Linux.
For clarity this accompanying document details the improvements and changes achieved from the
testing, deployment and validation of the Software Suite pre-release, presented in D4.2 [2], a joint
Task 4.2 and Task 4.3 effort. Based on the feedback received from the lab testing, the validation in the
test sites provided by Task 4.2, and by the pilot deployments in Task 4.3, several aspects were
identified and improved upon to enhance the ULOOP Software suite.
The public release of the software image also requires that the installation methods should be updated
and improved upon to avoid using private project software repositories and allow easy distribution not
only of the software images, but also of the source code. Accordingly we also detail the locations and
methodology for the sites where the software is publically available.
This deliverable is comprised of the software source for the integrated ULOOP images, the DoxyGen
documentation of the final version of the integration and interoperability blocks, the compiled binaries
for the target platforms of the corresponding software, the installation methods and source packages
available for installation, composing the public release of the ULOOP Software Suite.


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