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Published July 10, 2019 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Technology acceptance, interest in fitness and empowerment: Testing consumer responses towards a wearable technology advert


At a time when new technologies are constantly present, individuals’ health has taken centre stage. A shift towards a performance society has affected individuals’ professional and personal lives (Hillert & Marwitz 2006). In particular, the omnipresence of social media and new technologies is fostering both “self-surveillance” and “self-optimisation” and also a new form of “self-presentation”, which is not without risks. The term “life logging” is commonly used to describe the continuous documentation of data that is used to discipline the human body to quantify the self (Selke 2013). According to Mau (2017), metric data has suddenly become a desired social value.


Technology acceptance, interest in fitness and empowerment- Testing consumer responses towards a wearable technology advert.pdf