Published October 28, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Університет імені Адама Міцкевича
  • 2. Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди


The non-verbal and paralingual means alongside with the verbal ones belong to the parameters that of a “live” speech in particular colloquial or folk- colloquial. These parameters are realized in an every discourse practice of a certain person who represents a certain nation, a linguistic culture. These non-verbal and paralingual means accompany a verbal communication. The following questions constitute the problematic items of a non-verbal communication: the characteristics of a non-verbal communication system, the means of its representation, the metalanguage, a scientific terminology, the methodology, the representation of the methods of its description, the principles of its verbalization, taking into account the ornamental means of a language, Ukrainian discourse practice with non-verbal means, the principles of dictionary compiling of non-verbal signs in Ukrainian linguistic culture (lexicographic non-verbalics) etc. A non-verbal communication as a communicative phenomenon was investigated by foreign linguists at the end of the XXth century (M. Arhile, R. Berdwistle, R. Ackman, V. Frizen, A. Pees, D. Hall, I. Horelov, H. Kolshansky, V. Labunska, T. Nikolaeva, H. Cradelin). In Ukraine this domain belongs to a less investigated one, deprived of a national conception. But L. Bulakhovsky actualized the problem of a non-verbal communication in Ukrainian linguistics in the middle of the XXth century. Nowadays there are scientific researches of Ukrainian linguists (A. Bartashova, S. Holoschuk, H. Demydenko, N. Kolovorotna, T. Osipova, I. Popyk, I. Putsyata, L. Soloschuk, O. Starodubtseva, O. Teslya, O. Yanova and the others). In the researches of the abovementioned linguists a non-verbal experience of the Ukrainians hasn’t been elucidated, the theory hasn’t been elaborated; these factors cause the use of a foreign scientific literature and the implementation of foreign strategies and tactics which in their turn have a negative influence on the formation of a national self-consciousness and self-identification of a certain speaker and the nation in general. The goal of this scientific research – to characterize the views of L. Bulakhovsky on the problem of a non-verbal communication who, after a thorough analysis of the works of foreign and soviet psychologists, physiologists and linguists (V. Behtereva, V. Vundt, D. Due, F. Zelinski, O. Jesperson, F. Kainz. L. Levi-Brull, I. Pavlova, I. Sechenova), analyzed a set of topical issues connected with the essence of the phenomenon that defines the parameters of a non-verbal and paralingual communication, in particular its connection with a verbal communication, the peculiarities of its development, a linguistic status, the specificity of functioning, the types and functions of non-verbal means. All these enumerated factors give reasonable grounds to assert that L. Bulakhovsky was one of the founders of the theory and history of Ukrainian non-verbalics.



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