Published June 14, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open




It is revealed in the article the meaning and the essence of such concepts as innovation, innovative development, innovative educational environment, innovative activity, innovative technologies, and innovative learning. It is highlighted the importance of readiness for innovative activity, which is an indicator of the ability to solve unconventional educational problems, the usage and the dissemination of innovations in pedagogical studies as features of the development of motivation for continuing education.

The purpose of the article is to analyze research on such issues as innovative activity, innovation in education, innovative development and, considering a number of interpretations, to find out the essence of these concepts and to substantiate the provisions of readiness for innovative activity as indicator of the development of motivation to continuous education.

The methodological basis of the article is the philosophical, psychological, pedagogical theories and regulations that reveal the conceptual approaches to the studied problem.

Academic novelty consists in determining the essence of the mechanisms of the development process of readiness for innovation and in implementation of innovations into pedagogical studies as an indicator of the development of motivation for continuous studying.

Conclusion. Nowadays, the perfect model of innovative learning combines the active participation of students in the learning process, the possibility of applying knowledge gained in practice, the usage of various forms of learning, the diversity of concepts and teaching materials, the approach to the learning process as a collective work, the emphasis on the process of learning, but not only on the simple memorization of the information received from the teacher. Among other things, innovative learning is determined by: the presence of orientation towards the development of the student's personality as a main educational goal; the formation of such a type of organization in the motivational sphere of the future teacher, which promotes the creation of a new personal position through the motives of self-actualization and self-knowledge; the formation of readiness for professional pedagogical activity and the development of creative thinking, the usage of new types of communication and activities, the transition from education to the formation of the ability to acquire the own professional and personal growth in a process of continuing education.


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