Published June 14, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Article's purpose is to highlight the essence of the methodology of using the language portfolio as one of the means of forming of the linguistic creative competence of future educators of pre-school educational institutions and to substantiate the methodical expediency of using the language portfolio as an effective means in shaping the speech and creative competence of future educators of pre-school establishments.

The methodology of the research is based on the coverage of methodological approaches to the linguistic education of future educators: cultural and competent. The language portfolio in the study is defined as a component of the methodological support for the formation of speech and creative competence of future educators of pre-school establishments, which contributes to: increase of motivation for language education / self-education, linguistic development / self-development; formation of evaluation and control actions of future educators (assessment, self-esteem, mutual evaluation of speech activity); application of new informational, communicational technologies in language and vocational education (creation of electronic portfolio, the regulation of language portfolios in the form of a site, etc.) of future educators; effective organization of independent work of future educators on mastery of vocational knowledge, skills and habits and formation of vocational-speaking competence on their basis.

Scientific novelty in the research for the first time: justified the expediency of using the language portfolio as a means of forming the speech and creative competence of future educators of pre-school educational institutions; the essence of the concept "linguistic portfolio of the future educator of the institution of preschool education" is determined; defined functions of the language portfolio in the language education of future educators; the components of the linguistic portfolio of future educators are presented.

Conclusions. The conclusions highlight the expediency, topicality, effectiveness, methodo­logical, psychological, pedagogical, linguistic, lingual-didactic value of the language portfolio in the formation of speech and creative competence of future educators of pre-school establishments. The article presents the results of an experimental study on the use of language portfolio in the formation of speech and creative competence of future educators of pre-school establishments. The prospect of further scientific research on the research problem is seen in the development of the computer program "Electronic Portfolio", which will provide continuous access to linguistic sources, will help to optimize the methodological support for the formation of speech and creative competence of future educators of institutions of higher education in the South of Ukraine.


Rudenko, Yu., and Haliatovska, K..pdf

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