- 1. Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Technological Education, T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium", Chernihiv, 14013, Ukraine
- 2. Faculty of Technology, T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chenihiv Colehium", Chernihiv, 14013, Ukraine
The article reveals the definitions ‘the innovative pedagogical activity’, ‘the future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity’, ‘the innovative professional pedagogical competence of the technology teacher’. The actual problem is the research of future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity.
Objective of the article is to analyze the scientists’ investigations on the definition ‘the innovative pedagogical activity’, to reveal the definition ‘the future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity’, to distinguish the components of the innovative professional competence of the technology teacher.
Methodology. The theoretical basis of the research consists of the general scientific principles of cognition: the determinism, the development, the system character. To realize the objective above the theoretical (the analysis, the synthesis, the generalization) and the empiric-theoretical (the analogy, the abstraction) cognitive methods have been used.
Scientific Novelty. On the basis of the scientific analysis of the definitions ‘the innovative pedagogical activity’, ‘the future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity’ the author’s definition of these terms relevant to technology teachers has been suggested. In the article, the structural components of the future technology teachers’ innovative professional competence have been specified. The indices of future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity have been extracted.
Conclusions. The future technology teachers’ readiness to the innovative pedagogical activity is understood as the complex of the personal professional qualities, which assist in educational tasks solving in the innovative sphere.
The analysis of the definition ‘the innovative competence’ reveals the innovative technology teachers’ competence as the psychological phenomenon that characterizes his/her creative direction to qualitative transformation in assistance of the modern educational means for its improvement goals, as well as his/her ability to select actual educational problems and realize their effective solutions.
The structure of the innovative professional competence of the technology teacher includes motivating value, cognitive, operational, personal, creative, communicative, reflective components.
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