Published June 13, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Rational land use – as the basis of sustainable development of the national economy



The subject of the study is the methodological aspects of the study of rational land use – as the
basis of sustainable development of the national economy.
The purpose of the study is to determine the content of rational land use to ensure the sustainable
development of the national economy.
Research methods. The work uses a set of scientific methods and approaches, including systematic,
historical, abstract–logical, dialectical, which allowed to ensure the conceptual unity of research.
Results of the work. The article substantiates the need to ensure a balance between the social,
environmental and economic aspects of the use of agricultural land for rational land use.
Application of results. The system of sciences in the family of the field of state regulation and
management, a wide range of methodological aspects of socio–economic and environmental sciences
on problems of ensuring the rational use of land resources.
Conclusions. The main results of the research, their methodological results should be reduced
to the following conclusions: 1) sustainable land use is the basis for raising the standard of living and
development of the village and the country as a whole; 2) recognition of the life and health of a citizen
of Ukraine is among other highest social values, requires a special attitude to the conditions of his
life, and in particular to land use; 3) the complete preservation, reproduction and harmonious use of
agricultural land in the first place, is the formation of comfortable and healthy living conditions in the
village; ensuring food security of the country and free access to the consumption of environmentally
friendly products; 4) sustainable land use is a system of relations of improvement and development, in
which the optimal balance between economic growth, support of the quality state of agricultural lands,
satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of the territorial communities of the Ukrainian village
and the state as a whole is created. This made it possible to determine that achieving a rational land
use with a compulsory balanced combination of social, economic and environmental aspects of land
use is crucial for the harmonious functioning and development of the country.



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