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Published December 22, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Study on the Cyber Crimes in the Technological Era



Advancement  in  Technology  facilitated  cybercrimes  and  created  fear  among  netizens. 
Information  Technology  widened  communication  sphere  making  it  Borderless  and 
Transnational. Any criminal act committed over the internet for monetary and non monetary 
gains  is  considered  as  Cyber  Crimes.  Cyber  offenders  indulge  in  misusing  confidential 
information  for  committing  illegal  activities.  The  most  prominent  offences  are  stalking, 
hacking, phishing, online frauds,  identity  thefts, distributing viruses etc. These crimes cause 
damage  to  personal  identity,  fraud,  forgery,  threat,  monetary  losses  etc.  Through  the 
Information  Technologies  (Amendment)  Act,  2008,  government  tried  to  bring  beneficial 
changes  to  ensure  cyber  security  in  the  country. Cybercrimes  cause  severe  damages  in  the 
developing  countries  driving  towards  cashless  economy.  Compared  to  traditional  crimes, 
Cybercrimes requires special regulations. Combating Cyber violations has become the prime 
consideration  for  the Criminal  Justice Administration System  in  developing  economy. The 
laws dealing with Cybercrimes become  inappropriate  to deal with new offences committed 
by using new technologies. There is a need for Universal Criminalization of Cyber Offences 
under International laws and treaties. This paper highlights about cybercrimes, laws, policies, 
prevention and cyber security. 



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