Published January 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Post-stroke depression: predictors and prophylaxis


Muratova T. M., Khramtsov D. M., Stoyanov O. M., Vorokhta Yu. M., Vikarenko M. S., Kozlova G. G. Post-stroke depression: predictors and prophylaxis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(1):452-462. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI




The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26/01/2017).

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Received: 03.01.2019. Revised: 11.01.2019. Accepted: 31.01.2019.



Post-stroke depression: predictors and prophylaxis


T. M. Muratova, D. M. Khramtsov, O. M. Stoyanov, Yu. M. Vorokhta, M. S. Vikarenko, G. G. Kozlova


Odessa National Medical University, Odessa



The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention of post-stroke depression in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident

It was shown that the incidence of PID in patients with ischemic stroke exceeds 30%. In assessing the role of various risk factors among the examined patients with PID, the prevalence of male patients (OR = 1.3 (1.1-1.5)), under the age of 55 (1.7 (1.3-1.9 )), with indications in the history of episodes of depression in the past (1.6 (1.4-1.8)), as well as alcohol abuse (1.2 (1.0-1.3)). In 31 (58.5%) there was a localization of focal ischemia in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere. The use of both SIRS and an antidepressant with multimodal effect - vortioxetine was sufficiently effective in PID, but vortioxetin showing the best results - from 8,8±0,1 points to 6,2±0,1 points. The paper considers the expediency of the use of vorothoxetine in order to prevent PID in patients with ischemic stroke.

Key words: postnatal depression, ischemic stroke, diagnosis, treatment



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