Published September 23, 2015 | Version v1
Report Open

D7.9 Exploitation Strategy

  • 1. LSG


This document presents the exploitation strategy and objectives of the EDEN ISS project. The objectives are to ensure that the technology developed by the project activities contributes to European
technological advances and economic growth. The strategy for achieving this is to market the technology in the form of greenhouse modules (GHM) to a broad range of potential users or user groups,
for whom it would present an improvement in their living conditions or make their existence possible. These groups are broadly classified as terrestrial and space applications.
This exploitation strategy, based on market analyses, should be viewed as part of a broader, coordinated outreach strategy. In the short term, focused dissemination activities will promote the advantages of GHMs and encourage further development projects. Outreach activities have already
been initiated as part of DLR’s School Lab mission, which will substantially support future efforts. In
the longer term, building on the results of a field trial at the Neumayer III research station in Antarctica, focused efforts will be made to advance the technology for terrestrial and for space applications. In addition, opportunities of demonstrating the technology on board the International Space
Station in the form of payload facilities will be aggressively pursued.
Exploitation activities will be performed for the project as a whole, supplemented by the activities of
the consortium partners, who may separately exploit their subsystem technologies as part of their
business plans. Three Innovation Workshops will be held near the end of the project to ensure maximum exposure of the results and knowledge transfer to potential developers.


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EDEN ISS – Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies and Operation in Space for Safe Food Production on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts 636501
European Commission