The purpose of this study was to find out the perceptions of students about the 2013 curriculum, to find out the motivation of students in learning, to determine the relationship between learners' perceptions of the 2013 curriculum and learning motivation of Pelita Ciampea Vocational School students, and research lecturers at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor. From the results of the study with a total sample of 57 people obtained results (1) Perception of students about the 2013 curriculum at Pelita Ciampea Vocational School has a positive phenomenon, as evidenced by the maximum value that can be obtained by students is 185, the highest score is 175, the lowest 111, the average average 147.74. (2) The learning motivation of students at Ciampea Vocational School has a positive phenomenon, as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire with the maximum value that can be obtained at 135, the highest score of 126, the lowest 90, while the average is 105.72. (3) From the results of the moment product correlation test the relationship between learners 'perceptions of the 2013 curriculum and students' learning motivation has a value of 0.969 while the r-table value is 0.266, and 0.969> 0.266 or r-count> r-table. Thus it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted or in other words there is a positive relationship between variables X (students' perceptions of the 2013 curriculum) with variable Y (student motivation). The level of relationship between variable X and variable Y lies in the interval 0.80-1.00 which means that the relationship between the two is very strong.
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