Published May 13, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Data Scavenger Hunts: Learning About Data Together


  • 1. Oregon Health & Science University


Data exploration and visualization are a highly accessible gateway activity to learning data science. In this talk, we discuss our experience with "Data Scavenger Hunts" using web apps to democratize data science and make it accessible to a wide variety of audiences. In order to acheive this, we have developed an R package called `burro` that can enable public datasets to be explored together via a sharable web app. In this talk, we talk about our experience with using data scavenger hunts to teach each other interesting things about data. In particular, we share our experiences with exploring the NHANES (National Health Nutirition Examination Survey) data and the insights we have taught each other. We show that this guided and communal data exploration leads to increased confidence and curiosity about data science in Biodata-Club, our learning community. `burro` apps can be deployed by anyone to start conversations about data.


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