Published July 4, 2024 | Version v0.51.0
Software Open

xclim: xarray-based climate data analytics

  • 1. Ouranos, Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • 2. Centre européen de recherche et de formation avancée en calcul scientifique (CERFACS), Toulouse, France
  • 3. University College London, London, United Kingdom
  • 4. University College London, London, United Kingdom, and The Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
  • 5. Hydro-Québec, Québec, Canada
  • 6. Jakarto, Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • 7. Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), Hamburg, Germany
  • 8. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canada
  • 9. Ouranos Consortium, Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • 10. Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
  • 11. Independent Researcher, Canada
  • 12. Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Varennes, Québec, Canada
  • 13. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Adelaide, Australia
  • 14. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA), United Kingdom
  • 15. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), Wallingford, United Kingdom
  • 16. Independent Researcher, United States
  • 17. Santander Meteorology Group, Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander, Spain


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre), Pascal Bourgault (@aulemahal).

New features and enhancements

  • Added the op keyword to the growing_season_{start|end} indices and indicators, allowing for customizable threshold operators using (GH/1794, PR/1796).
  • xclim now separates the optional dependencies into dev and docs recipes. Both can be installed with the all option ($ python -m pip install xclim[all]). (PR/1806).

Bug fixes

  • Units of degree-days computations with Fahrenheit input fixed to yield "°R d". Added a new xclim.core.units.ensure_absolute_temperature method to convert from delta to absolute temperatures. (GH/1789, PR/1804).
  • Clarified a typo in the docstring formula for xclim.indices.growing_season_length. (PR/1796).

Internal changes

  • netcdf4 has been pinned below v1.7 for test stability reasons. (PR/1791).
  • flake8-bandit-like checks have been enabled via ruff, with fixes for a few security-related issues. (PR/1806).
  • xclim.testing.utils now employs more secure URL auditing checks. (PR/1806).
  • CHANGES.rst has been renamed to CHANGELOG.rst, adhering to suggestions from the keepachangelog v.1.1.0 specifications. (PR/1823).

CI changes

  • GitHub repository now uses Rulesets for branch protection. (PR/1790).
  • Version bumping and project triage is now handled by the Ouranos Helper GitHub App. (PR/1790).
  • bump-my-version has been updated to v0.23.0. (PR/1790).
  • The Ouranos Helper GitHub App now provides verified commits. (GH/1811, PR/1812).
  • Added the deptry package to the dev linter tools and linting workflows for performing dependency analyses. (PR/1806).
  • Several linting tools have been updated to the latest versions and pinned. (PR/1806).



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