A comparison of linear and nonlinear model performance of shia_landslide: a forecasting model for rainfall-induced landslides
- 1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- 2. University of Brasilia
Landslides are one of the main causes of global human and economic losses. Vulnerability to landslide hazards has increased due to expanded land urbanisation in areas with high landslide susceptibility. Therefore, landslide hazard assessment and the capacity to predict such phenomena have been a topic of great interest within the scientific community, with the goal of implementing early warning systems. SHIA_Landslide (Open and Distributed Hydrological Simulation & Landslides) is a conceptual and physically based model to analyse shallow landslide processes by incorporating a comprehensive distributed hydrological tank model that includes water storage in the soil coupled with a classical analysis of infinite-slope stability under saturated conditions. This paper compares the forecasting performance of linear and nonlinear SHIA_Landslide model. The results obtained for the La Arenosa Catchment during the September 21, 1990 rainstorm shows that the nonlinear SHIA_Landslide replicate more accurately landslides triggered by rainfall features.
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