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Published December 1, 2018 | Version v1
Other Open

PARTHENOS Guidelines to FAIRify data management and make data reusable


A comprehensive set of  PARTHENOS Guidelines to FAIRify data management and make data reusable is focusing on the topic of common policies. This compact guide offers twenty guidelines to align the efforts of data producers, data archivists and data users in humanities and social sciences to make research data as reusable as possible based upon the FAIR Principles. Each guideline has recommendations for both researchers and archives as it is recognised that different priorities may apply to each case.

The guidelines result from the work of over fifty PARTHENOS project members. They were responsible for investigating commonalities in the implementation of policies and strategies for research data management and used results from desk research, questionnaires and interviews with selected experts to gather around one hundred current data management policies (including guides for preferred formats, data review policies and best practices, both formal as well as tacit).

Translations of the Guidelines are available in:

Czech: "ZÁSADY zajištení FAIRové správy a využitelnosti dat" (

French: "PARTHENOS Recommandations pour FAIRiser vos données" (

German: "PARTHENOS Leitfaden zur "FAIRifizierung" des Datenmanagements und der Ermöglichung der Nachnutzung von Daten" (

Greek: "PARTHENOS Οδηγίες για την εφαρμογή των αρχών FAIR στη διαχείριση και επανάχρηση δεδομένων" (

Hungarian: "PARTHENOS A tudományos adatok újrafelhasználhatóságának és FAIR kezelésének irányelveii" (

Italian: "PARTHENOS Linee guida per l’applicazione dei principi FAIR alla gestione e al riuso dei dati" (

Portuguese: "Diretrizes para aplicação dos princípios FAIR à gestão e reutilização de dados" (

Turkish: "Veri Yönetimi ve verinin yeniden kullanımı için FAIR Prensipleri Rehberi" (




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European Commission
PARTHENOS – Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies 654119