Published November 19, 2018 | Version preprint
Conference paper Restricted

Evacuation Management Multi-Criteria Risk Assessment Based

  • 1. Università Roma Tre


Modern society is exposed both to natural and artificial disasters related to human activity. Those same disasters can have a great impact on citizens, private and public assets. Unfortunately, as a matter of fact, it is only after losing several lives because of human errors and plans that turned out to be ineffective, that society has realized the need to improve emergency procedures introducing new solutions and instruments. Nowadays, scientific community is greatly interested in Emergency Management, and it has started to exploit the new Computer and Automation technologies involved into the Smart Cities ecosystems. The authors define some guidelines in order to design an effective Decision Support System by identifying potential emergency scenarios, including regulations referred both to the human behaviour and to the safety standards on infrastructure. Thanks to a Dynamic Risk Assessment, such a DSS can process heterogeneous data and carry out an active support for the building’s evacuation procedures. The proposed architecture consists of a hybrid approach based on techniques and models of operational research and management engineering. Through this strategy, the authors implement a smart decision-making system able to provide the optimal evacuation routes from a building after the catastrophic event onset.


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ATENA – Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures 700581
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