There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 29, 2019 | Version v0.5.4
Software Open

nipy/heudiconv: v0.5.4: [0.5.4] - 2019-04-29

  • 1. Dartmouth College, @Debian, @DataLad, @PyMVPA, @fail2ban
  • 2. UC Berkeley
  • 3. MIT
  • 4. @LCBC-UiO
  • 5. University of Birmingham
  • 6. Florida International University
  • 7. Google LLC
  • 8. @cbinyu
  • 9. Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
  • 10. University of California, Berkeley
  • 11. Columbia University Libraries @cul
  • 12. IDOR
  • 13. Karolinska Institutet
  • 14. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
  • 15. @MRC-CBU


[0.5.4] - 2019-04-29

This release includes fixes to BIDS multi-echo conversions, the re-implementation of queuing support (currently just SLURM), as well as some bugfixes.

Starting today, we will push versioned releases to DockerHub. Finally, to more accurately reflect on-going development, the latest tag has been renamed to unstable. We encourage users to check to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version.

  • Readthedocs documentation ([#327])
  • Update Docker dcm2niix to v.1.0.20190410 ([#334])
  • Allow usage of --files with basic heuristics. This requires use of --subject flag, and is limited to one subject. ([#293])
Deprecated Fixed
  • Improve support for multiple --queue-args ([#328])
  • Fixed an issue where generated BIDS sidecar files were missing additional information - treating all conversions as if the --minmeta flag was used ([#306])
  • Re-enable SLURM queuing support ([#304])
  • BIDS multi-echo support for EPI + T1 images ([#293])
  • Correctly handle the case when outtype of heuristic has "dicom" before '.nii.gz'. Previously would have lead to absent additional metadata extraction etc ([#310])
  • --sbargs argument was renamed to --queue-args ([#304])



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