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Published April 25, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

The Art of Fake



ABSTRACT: It was Plato who defined the meaning and metaphysical value of Beauty in a way which was valid for all types of Arts, emphasizing on the concept of “Mimesis”. This aesthetic principle, developed mainly during ancient times, states that art represents an imitation of the real world. If criminal expertise of hand-writing has as its subject the study of handwriting based on scientific evidence regarding the graphics skills with the aim of identifying the author, can we consider counterfeiting of historical evidence as a form of art? Both in the case of hand-writing and works of art, there occur anatomo-physiological and psychological peculiarities specific to their author, the complex conditioned reflexes, and the dynamic stereotype which define a certain individual. Thus, the author of the fake needs to have the ability and training to accurately render the characteristics of the original.

KEYWORDS: art, fake, imitation, hand-writing, peculiarities



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