Published December 22, 2019 | Version 0.1
Dataset Open

PanTaGruEl - a pan-European transmission grid and electricity generation model

  • 1. University of Arizona
  • 2. HES-SO Valais/Wallis


If you have any questions or comments, please write to

When publishing results based on this data set, please cite:

L. Pagnier, P. Jacquod, “Inertia location and slow network modes determine disturbance propagation in large-scale power grids”, PLOS ONE 14(3): e0213550, 2019. PLOS ONE 14(3): e0213550, 2019.


M. Tyloo, L. Pagnier, P. Jacquod, “The Key Player Problem in Complex Oscillator Networks and Electric Power Grids: Resistance Centralities Identify Local Vulnerabilities”, Science Advances 5(11): eaaw8359, 2019.


PanTaGruEl is a dynamical grid model designed to investigate the propagation of disturbances in the continental European transmission grid.

The construction of the model is detailed here.


  • Precise distribution of national demands to network buses.
  • Realistic electrical parameters of transmission lines.
  • Merit-Order based economic dispatch of generators.
  • Dynamical parameters of generators and loads for transient stability investigations.


Data files:

Our model is provided in an extended Matpower format and as csv raw data. For more information on Matpower format, see Appendix B of its manual.

Script files:

opf_ex.m performs optimal power flow computations for two load configurations.
spectral_ex.m presents a basic spectral analysis.
dynamics_ex.m give a minimal example of dynamical simulations.


Our model has been developed for use with Matpower. If you are interested in a port to another language, please contact us.


The authors thank M. Tyloo and K. Van Walstijn for their useful comments and remarks on the model.


B. Wiegmans, “GridKit extract of ENTSO-E interactive map”
Global Energy Observatory, “GEO Power plants database”
Siemens, “Power Engineering Guide”


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Assessing robustness and identifying vulnerabilities in deterministically coupled dynamical systems on complex networks 200020_182050
Swiss National Science Foundation
The Vulnerabilities of Future Interdependent Energy Networks PYAPP2_154277
Swiss National Science Foundation