PsPM-PIT2 : PSR, SCR, ECG and respiration measurements from pavlovian to instrumental transfer tasks with visual CS and electrical US.
- 1. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Data curators:
- 1. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
This dataset consists of a three session experiment conducted with 38 healthy unmedicated participants (22 females and 16 males aged 24.8 +/- 3.6). The sessions were recorded on the same day with a self decided break. The first session is an instrumental conditioning, the second a classical (Pavlovian) discriminant delay fear conditioning and the third a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer task. For all three sessions this dataset contains electrocardyogramm (ECG), pupil size (PSR), respiration, and skin conductance (SCR) measurements. For the fear conditioning session CS+/CS- are visual stimuli of differently colored backgrounds. US is a train of electric square pulses delivered with a constant current stimulator on participants' dominant forearm through a pin-cathode/ring-anode configuration. SOA between the CS and US is 3.5 s. ITI is randomly determined on each trial to be an integer between 7 - 11 s. The instrumental stimuli are two images of differently colored vending machines cuing if the machine required a coin to dispense a chocolate (Approach) or if a coin should be averted from the machine, to prevent an already dispensed chocolate from being crushed by a newly dispensed soft drink can (Withdraw). The operant task asks subjects to repeatedly press the space key (Go) or withhold any key press (NoGo) to win chocolates. In the instrumental conditioning session, subjects play the game with grey background, and in the Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer session they play the same operant game but with CS colored backgrounds instead of grey background.
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- Is supplement to
- 10.1101/lm.049338.119 (DOI)
- Wellcome Trust
- Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging 203147