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Published September 30, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Composition and diversity of tree species in transects of location lowland evergreen forest of Ecuador

  • 1. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo



The study was conducted in 9 transects 1000m2 of lowland evergreen forest, located in two locations on the coast and one in eastern Ecuador. It was to contribute to knowledge of the diversity and composition of woody plants over 10 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) plus infer the state of conservation of forests based on the composition, the number of species, indices diversity and importance value (IV), found in 9 transects of 1000 m² of forest: 156 species, 107 genera and 39 families distributed in 9 transects, in each one the Simpson diversity index is of 0.92 to 0.95, in this case are diversity because all approaches 1. Most were found species aren´t present in all transects, the index value in each transect does not exceed 40%. Grouping transects match three locations exception made to transect 5 and 8 were conducted in disturbed sites, the most transects are intermediate disturbance that their high levels of diversity.



72-Article Text-210-1-10-20150918.pdf

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