Notulae nomenclaturales 46–59
The former Saxifraga stellaris is treated as a member of the genus Micranthes; within M. stellaris the endemic race of the eastern Central Alps should be separated as subsp. prolifera, comb. nov. Generic rearrangement of the Clinopodium affinity has caused the amalgamation of Acinos with Ziziphora; Z. granatensis subsp. alpina, comb. nov., is proposed for the temperate orophyte so far known as Clinopodium alpinum subsp. alpinum (or Acinos alpinus subsp. alpinus). The correct spelling, authorship, and place of valid publication is given for Scrophularia juratensis and Androsace wulfeniana; the latter name, as well as Micranthes stellaris subsp. prolifera, is lectotypified and supplemented by an epitype. The original application of the Linnaean Arenaria multicaulis is again discussed and confirmed by lectotypification; it is advocated to apply this name to the tetraploid cytotype often known as A. moehringioides within the A. ciliata complex. Pilosella tubulata is shown as the correct name for the aggregate species formerly denominated Hieracium spurium or H. cymiflorum, and Ervilia monanthos for the species known as Vicia articulata. Plantago capitellata is resumed for the submediterranean plantain usually called P. holosteum, a name which must be regarded as illegitimate. Asphodelus albus subsp. subalpinus (instead of subsp. delphinensis), Euphorbia dulcis subsp. purpurata (instead of subsp. incompta), and Hesperis matronalis subsp. nivea (instead of subsp. candida) are the correct names of these three subspecies. The discussion of the identity of the name Helianthemum chamaecistus demonstrates H. nummularium subsp. obscurum as the correct subspecific name. Euphorbia epithymoides is accepted as correct name for E. polychroma. Errors related to Draba aizoides subsp. beckeri and Crataegus laevigata are corrected.
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