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Published April 2, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The article presents the peculiarities of forming the language competency and competence of future foreign specialists during the study of the Ukrainian language. The essence of speech competency and competence is revealed. The application of the main types of activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in Ukrainian lessons for foreigners is analyzed. The main requirement for forming the communicative and competent personality of future foreign specialists is the thorough assimilation of the norms of modern Ukrainian literary language and their practical mastery of them. Namely, the correct use of different language means in accordance with the communicative intentions. It is worthwhile to express opinions for the successful resolution of problems and tasks in domestic and professional activities, to perceive, reproduce, edit texts of various styles; use lexicographic sources (dictionaries) and other supporting reference literature necessary for self-improvement of professional level of training. It is proved that the speech orientation of the class means the communicative nature of the exercises. Exercises, such as translation, drafting sentences, text transcriptions, etc., should be subject to communicative purposes. It is proved that communicative orientation is always a speech activity in new situations with a certain purpose. The communicative atmosphere should penetrate all classes, starting with the message of the teacher of his tasks and ending with the conclusion of the lesson, when the work of the future foreign experts is estimated, emphasizing their achievements is in mastery of communication. It is proved that during the study of the Ukrainian language it is necessary to focus on the development of communicative competences, which will allow motivated to use language tools to achieve those results that are predicted by future foreign specialists and related to their professional activities. It is proved that the goal of language training of future foreign specialists is to provide their communication needs in various spheres of communication: scientific (for competitive preparation in the chosen specialty), socio-political and socio-cultural (for proper adaptation and proper orientation in the new socio- cultural environment, personal cultural development), domestic (to meet the needs of everyday life), as well as to educate a harmonious person that is capable of intercultural dialogue.


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