Published December 3, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Dynamic 5G Slices for IoT Applications with Diverse Requirements

  • 1. Univrsity of Piraeus, Greece


The wide deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) applications raises the need for underlying environments and infrastructures that can both support the traffic data requirements and enable the process of distributed IoT data. 5G - the fifth generation of mobile, cellular technologies, networks and solutions, provides the enabling environments to fulfil the aforementioned IoT applications diverse requirements. 5G promises to bring the reliability, latency, scalability and adaptability that would be needed for several services in the IoT space and beyond. To satisfy these demands, network slicing has been envisioned as the promising solution in an IoT-oriented 5G architecture. In this paper we propose an efficient IoT-oriented architecture supporting network slicing for 5G-enabled IoT services over the 5G Core, in order to meet the requirements for establishing an efficient network with high capacity, while ensuring the maximum Quality of Service (QoS) to the end users-applications.


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Dynamic 5G Slices enabling concurrent IoT applications with diverse requirements.pdf

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5GTANGO – 5G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps 761493
European Commission