Published March 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Student, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • 2. Associate Professor, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • 3. Assistant Professor, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu


Stress is defined as “a state of psychological and physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and the individual's ability and motivation to meet those needs.” Stress has often been misunderstood to be negative, with few people acknowledgement the importance and usefulness of positive stress.  In our everyday lives, stress is everywhere and definitely unavoidable; hence our emphasis should be on differentiating between what is good stress, and what is bad. Stress is one of the most important things that play a major role in human life.  The conclusion is that level of acceptance towards withdrawal has an influence towards the age of the respondents and age has to be taken in to consideration for the decision making process when taking decision on the factors related to level of acceptance towards withdrawal with the respondents and while taking decision on level of acceptance towards work performance the factors related to perception towards psychological symptoms has to be taken for decision making process of the study. There is a positive impact towards behavioral symptoms and negative impact towards physical symptoms with women employees. The IT industry can empower staff to control their own workload and consider whether it is appropriate to provide additional support for staff during periods of change and uncertainty.



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