Published March 29, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Organization of information requirements providing for monitoring the economic potential of the enterprise


The subject of the study is the organization of providing information requirements for monitoring
the economic potential of the enterprise.
The purpose of the study is to study the mechanism of formation of information resources
regarding economic potential in accordance with obligatory structural elements of monitoring.
Research methods. In this work the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of
analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, the method of data generalization are used.
Results of work. The article describes the interpretation of «monitoring providing organization». The
components of the organization of monitoring the economic potential of the enterprise by accounting
and analytical information resources are outlined. The classification of the monitoring stages is defined.
Conclusions. The results of the providing research resulted in the following conclusions: a mechanism
for the formation of information resources regarding the economic potential in accordance with the
mandatory structural elements of monitoring was developed. The system approach to the organization
of enterprise monitoring will create an effective system for managing its economic potential.



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