Published March 27, 2019 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Selected WRF output for Langtang catchment, years 2011, 2012, 2013

  • 1. Utrecht University
  • 2. Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Includes selected variables for the Langtang catchment of the WRF run used in Contrasting meteorological drivers of the glacier mass balance between the Karakoram and central Himalaya, by PNJ Bonekamp, RJ de Kok, E Collier and WW Immerzeel. 

WRF version 3.8.1 is used for the simulations. The outer domain is forced with 6-hourly ERA-Interim data (0.75 o x0.75o), and grid analysis nudging is applied to the horizontal wind, water vapour mixing ratio and potential temperature fields in the highest 15 vertical levels. In all domains, the land cover dataset is updated using the climate change initiative dataset (CCI, Defourny et al. (2017)) of the European Space Agency (ESA), which has a spatial resolution of 300 m. The soil moisture, soil temperatures and skin temperatures is initialized with the GLDAS dataset (0.25x0.25, Rodell et al. 2004).

Important parameter settings are:
- One way nesting
- Model top pressure
- Morrison microphysics
-YSU planetary boundary layer scheme wit topo_wind option=1
- Noah-MP scheme
-RRTGM radiation scheme
-MM5 Similarity Scheme
- Rayleigh damping at the top boundary
- Diffusion is calculated in physical space

Included variables [unit']:
Time [hours from 1 December 2010], total simulation time is till 1 January 2014. All data are hourly variables. 
GLW [Wm-2], longwave downward radiation
GRAUPELNC [m], non convective graupel
GRDFLX [Wm-2], ground heat flux 
HFX [Wm-2], Sensible heat flux
HGT [m], altitude above sea level
LH [Wm-2], latent heat flux
LU_INDEX [-] #24 categories
LWDNB [Wm-2], longwave downward radiation
LWUPB [Wm-2], longwave upward radiation
RAINC [m], convective rainfall
RAINNC [m], non convective rainfall
SNOWC [-], snow cover
SNOWNC [-], non convective snowfall
SWDOWN [Wm-2], shortwave downwards radiations
T2 [K], 2-meter temperature
TSK [K], surface temperature
U10 [ms-1], wind in U-direction at 10-m
V10 [ms-1], wind in V direction at 10-m

See for the full description of the variables Chapter 5 of the WRF user guide


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